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Well of Sorrows


I'm a well known has-been, I've got a brand on me, when I look at my tomorrows, sorrow's all I see.


Called Vir’abelasan by the elves who created it, the Well of Sorrows was a pool that contained the collected knowledge of Mythal’s servants. Built in the innermost sanctum of the Temple of Mythal in the Arbor Wilds thousands of years ago, the amount of memories contained within it were almost unfathomable. Corypheus coveted its knowledge for himself, thinking it would allow him to reenter the Fade. Fortunately, he never got that chance, as the Inquisition was able to head him off and my companions, Morrigan and I arrived there first. Abelas, leader of the Sentinels that guarded the temple, told us that drinking from the well would indeed grant us the information it contained, but there were several side effects. First, the ancient artifact itself would be destroyed in the process. Second, the person that drank would be bound to the will of Mythal herself. While its loss was regrettable, we needed the knowledge contained within the well to defeat Cory, and in the end Morrigan imbibed the information. It paid immediate dividends when it allowed us to open an eluvian and escape an enraged Cory. Soon after, the voices in Morrigan’s head revealed the secret of getting rid of the ancient magister permanently. How it knew that, exactly, I’m not quite sure, considering that he wasn’t a problem until he awoke in his prison outside Kirkwall just a few years ago, and I don’t think he really interacted with the elves before the Grey Wardens trapped him in there, but, however they knew, it worked, so I’m not going to complain. Question, yes, complain, no.


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