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We all know we'll be comin' back, another night and another way, we'll rise, we'll rise under the pale moonlight, to live to die another night.

The result of a demon possessing a corpse, the undead are one of the many ways the denizens of the Fade can manifest themselves in our world. All demons have an inherent desire to cross the Veil, but most of them are unable to maintain a physical form once they do so. This leads them to possess a host of some kind, usually a living thing, but inanimate objects sometimes serve as well. While a living body is the ideal and most dangerous host, our more stable world is confusing to demons, and they typically cannot tell the difference between a living person and a dead one. The reason that the Chantry instruct their followers to burn their dead is because every corpse, from the freshly-deceased to desiccated skeletons, is capable of being possessed and rising as the undead. Corpses animated by lower-level demons, like those of rage and sloth, do not greatly modify their hosts in any way, though there are subtle differences in appearance and behavior that can set them apart from one another. These entities are mindless beasts that exist only to attack the living, but they do retain some of the martial skills they had in life. I ran into dead bodies that could still use swords, shields, and even bows, for example. And though it’s not hard to knock them down, it’s getting them to stay down that’s the trick. Whether zombified corpses or skeletons, these undead are most dangerous when left unchecked, as the more they kill, the more they can increase their own numbers. Problems truly arise when more powerful demons take over a dead body. When a demon of desire or pride possesses a corpse, a much more powerful being called a Revenant is created. Revenants are not only smarter and far more capable with the weapons they wield than their brainless kin, they can utilize a form of simple, but highly effective, magic in combat. Amongst other abilities, they are capable of yanking one or more people through the air, surprising ignorant opponents, destroying formations, and pulling vulnerable, cloth-wearing fighters such as mages into easy stabbing range. More dangerous still is when a pride demon takes control of the body of a dead mage. This creates an Arcane Horror, a terrifying monstrosity capable of casting all kinds of powerful spells. What makes them particularly perilous is that they also retain their intelligence and are able to exert control over weaker undead, turning a group of mindless corpses into an organized, deadly, pack. Undead of any type are not to be taken lightly, particularly those two, and all of them are some of the most disturbing forms that demons can take on our side of the Veil. Being attacked by a blob of fire is frightening, but seeing an old friend or family member shambling towards you with murderous intent is truly horrific.


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