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The Maker


That's where you're gonna go when you die, when you die and they lay you to rest, you're gonna go to the place that's the best.

Maker of the World
Wellspring of All
Husband of Andraste
Maybe Made Me the Inquisitor

The Maker is the all-powerful being who created the world and everything in it, according to the Chant of Light. Before existence, there was the Maker. Then, I’m guessing because He got bored, He created the Fade and the spirits that inhabited it. At the same time, He created a Golden City from which to watch over His creation. Then, because they had no souls and lacked creativity, He became bored with the spirits and created our world and all of us, except for dwarves, who I guess just sprang out of holes in the ground. He imbued mankind with His spark, meaning we were more unpredictable, and thus more fun, than spirits. And so it was for a while, the Maker and His spirits in the Golden City and the Fade, us in our world, and the Veil in between. We worshipped Him in life, and when we died, we returned to His side. Unfortunately, some twisted spirits began to whisper from across the Veil, people started worshipping them, and the Maker grew angry. So, He imprisoned these Old Gods beneath the surface of our world, quit His own city, and left us to our own devices, ignoring any prayers we directed His way. We further angered him when ancient Tevinter magisters managed to break through the Veil and walked in His Golden City, forever tainting it, causing it to turn black and be abandoned even by spirits and demons. In retaliation, He cast the magisters back to our world as tainted, twisted versions of themselves and they became the first darkspawn. Hundreds of years later, He and His words were brought back to the people via His bride, the prophet Andraste. He had been drawn to our world again when He heard her singing, fell in love, and offered her a place by His side, which she initially refused. Instead, she convinced the Maker to help her people, which He did as they returned to worshipping Him. But, when she was betrayed and murdered, He brought her to His side and abandoned humanity once again. Once the Chant of Light is sung everywhere, He will return and turn our world into a heaven for all. Which is where we are now. Only the faithful are taken to wherever He has chosen to reside with Andraste, while the rest of us are doomed to an especially empty and dark part of the Fade called the Void. All of this, is, of course, according to the Chantry and the Chant of Light. I am personally agnostic, but freely admit that I have seen too many unbelievable things, more than most, to dismiss the idea of the Maker out of hand. I wouldn’t go so far as to call that belief, but it is at least an idea.


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