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The Anchor


You're at your best when when the going gets rough, you've been put to the test, but it's never enough, you know that when things get too tough, you got the touch. You're fighting fire with fire, you know you got the touch!

{A word of caution before you proceed, the information in this entry reveals the origin of my glowy hand, something that was not known, even to me, until a fair bit of inquisiting had been performed. So, I would recommend that you stick to the story for that reveal but, of course, you’re free to do as you see fit. -Sam}

The Glowy Hand {for the record, I wanted this to be the name of the entry, but others kept insisting that I use its “actual name,” which I kept insisting is what I was doing. Always make sure you have final edit privileges. -Sam}

The Anchor is the proper name for the magical mark that was grafted onto my left hand just after the creation of the Breach. Though there is another name you might know it by… The Glowy Hand. Whichever name you use, it granted me the ability to manipulate the Veil to a degree far beyond what even the most powerful mages could typically accomplish. Critically, it allowed me to seal Fade rifts and, with some magical assistance, the Breach itself. Later, as I gained more control over it, I was able to develop new techniques using the mark. With enough focus, I could open a small Fade rift amongst my enemies that essentially tried to pull their physical forms into the Fade. Which is exactly as painful as it sounds. Later, I was also able to use the glowy hand to create a glowy barrier around myself, shielding me and my allies from harm. The glowy hand attacks, but it also protects.

How the Anchor got attached to me in the first place was not known for a time, as there were no other witnesses and I had no memories of the event. Eventually, the truth was revealed during a trip to the Fade. Since the Anchor is what allowed that trip in the first place, it proved that there is little it could not accomplish, as the glowy hand allowed me to recover my lost memories and effectively solve the mystery of itself. Corypheus had tried to use the Orb of Destruction to give himself the Anchor by conducting a ritual inside the Temple of Sacred Ashes. The ritual used Divine Justinia V as a sacrifice, but her shouts attracted my attention, and after a swift kick from Most Holy, the Orb rolled across the floor, I grabbed it, and the ritual worked, just on me instead of Cory. The next thing I knew, the temple was gone, the Divine and everyone else that had been in the immediate area were dead, and my hand had new green magic emanating out of it. Green magic that was apparently trying to kill me until Solas was able to stabilize it. Through all my inquisiting, the glowy hand never failed to do its job, and saying it is as responsible for saving the world as anyone or anything else might be an understatement. Even if I think it might still be trying to kill me. Not by any fault of its own, of course, it would never hurt me intentionally, it just can’t help it. It is an immensely powerful, reality-warping weapon designed to tear the heavens asunder, after all. But, to be honest, it’s been hurting more and more lately, which can’t be a good sign. It’s just that, after all we’ve been through, all of the people, villages, cities, countries, and world we have saved together, the thought that my glowy hand might ultimately kill me is distressing, to say the least.


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