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You should have known the price of evil, and it hurts to know that you belong here, no one to call, everybody to fear, your tragic fate is looking so clear.

Nightmare is an extremely old and powerful fear demon who allied with Corypheus. Feeding for who knows how long on the fears of sleeping people, particularly fears of the darkspawn and blights, Nightmare is the largest and most powerful demon I have ever seen, and I’ve seen far more than most. When Corypheus rose to power, he sought out Nightmare as an ally, promising to generate huge amounts of fear for the demon to feast on. The two used their powers to put the Calling into the heads of every Grey Warden in Orlais with the end goal of raising a demon army for Cory’s dreams of conquest. By the time the Inquisition attacked Adamant Fortress, Erimond had convinced Warden-Commander Clarel to bring Nightmare into our world. While we were able to stop these efforts initially, my companions, Hawke, Stroud and I were thrown physically into his realm at the end of the battle after we essentially fell off a cliff and my glowy hand reacted and opened a Fade rift. On his side of the Veil, Nightmare was able to attack us with our greatest fears, both mentally and physically. Which he did, repeatedly trying to break us, also both mentally and physically. Fortunately, his monologuing revealed a potentially critical flaw in the plan: the demons summoned for the army were bound to him, meaning if we could escape and then shut the door behind us, so to speak, Cory would lose his army. The problem was that our only potential exit was the rift Clar had been using, and that meant the titanic demon was directly in our way. We were saved by the glowy version of Divine Justinia V, who sacrificed herself to get rid of Nightmare temporarily. Unfortunately, we still had to fight through Nightmare’s Aspect, a smaller, but still extremely powerful, monster. We did, but Nightmare managed to reassemble himself and block our way again. This time, Stroud hurled himself at the monster to buy me and Hawke enough time to slip past. We did, and I sealed the rift behind us, cutting off Cory’s demon army at the source. Nightmare himself is presumably still alive in the Fade, however, feeding on our fear and growing even larger. Just in case you were thinking about sleeping ever again.


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