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Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave. I will work to elevate you, just enough to bring you down.

One of the most important and valuable substances on Thedas, lyrium is a crystalline material that fuels and enhances magic. In its raw form, lyrium emits an audible hum or singing sound that allows the dwarves to find new veins of it. It is very dangerous when it is first hewn from stone, as contact with the raw, blue ore will cause physical and mental harm to most people, and outright kill mages. The dwarven Mining caste are the only group with the skill and resistance to alter it into a more palatable form. All dwarves are resistant to lyrium’s effects, apparently from living near it their whole lives, as surface dwarves will slowly lose this protection after they leave the embrace of the Stone. Once it has been processed, lyrium is a silvery-blue liquid that has many magical uses. It can be diluted further and consumed as a potion by mages to enhance and recharge their ability to cast spells. Similar potions also allow a mage to enter the Fade while awake, which the Circles of Magi used to perform their Harrowing ritual. If a pupil failed that ritual and was forced to become a Tranquil, a lyrium brand was used to complete that process. It can also be used to etch magical runes that can enhance equipment. One of Hawke’s companions, a former Tevinter slave named Fenris, even had lyrium-infused tattoos grafted into his skin that gave him unique abilities. The Templars supposedly gained their magic-disrupting powers by drinking lyrium directly, a process that was also highly addictive. While difficult, it is possible for a former Templar to wean themselves off of the substance and live without it, as Cullen did, though they will obviously lose the associated abilities. It has been called into question if it was actually the lyrium that granted a Templar their power, and there is a suspicion that the Chantry was only feeding their warriors the addictive substance as a method of control. The Inquisition also dealt with a recently discovered type of the stuff, red lyrium, which was more than its standard counterpart in every way. More powerful, more dangerous, more addictive, more weird. Most importantly, we also discovered what lyrium actually is during a trip to the Deep Roads after Corypheus was defeated. Working with an Orzammar Shaper named Valta, it was discovered that colossal underground beings called titans actually existed, and that lyrium was their blood. Meaning that people have been unwittingly drinking blood for thousands of years. I really don’t have much more to say about that, it’s just creepy. Whether or not this revelation will change anything about people’s perception or use of lyrium is still up for debate, but I will tell you that it has absolutely changed mine.


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