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Nobody's bigger than a giant, nobody's quite as large as me, nobody's bigger than a giant, I'm humongous, wouldn't you agree?

Giants are, as the name would indicate, big. Really big. They are a species of huge, tusked, single-eyed humanoids that can be found all over Thedas, though primarily in the north. I placed them in the “Things” category instead of “Races & Organizations” because they display no real signs of intelligence beyond simple instincts. Despite being shaped vaguely like most intelligent species, they lack the behaviors that separate elves, dwarves, humans and Qunari from animals. They don’t seem to have any sort of language, they don’t wear clothes, use tools, or create shelter. Finding food seems to be their main goal in life, which is understandable given their immense size. Giants will consume pretty much anything with any nutritional value, plant or animal, meaning they will try to, and typically do, take down any other beast they come across. The only exception I found to that was a high dragon that rather handily defeated a giant during my first trip to the Storm Coast. Also, they can coexist near their own kind without violence, as I observed in the Emerald Graves. So, unless you are another giant, a high dragon, or a particularly powerful team of warriors like the one I travel around with, if you see a giant, run. Like other beasts, it is possible to tame a giant to some degree, as I found a pair of them being used as manual labor by the Venatori in the Western Approach. Later, the “choice spirit” I met in Emprise du Lion had apparently been experimenting with infecting giants with red lyrium to control them, and that also seemed to work. Which is why I chose to incinerate said spirit. While killing those enslaved giants seemed like mercy, given their circumstances, we did try and avoid them as a general rule. While they are obviously capable of wreaking destruction on civilized areas, they usually keep to themselves when left to their own devices. As with almost all other animals, they typically only become a threat when a demon or moron turns them into one.


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