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Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams.

Pride demons

Generally regarded as the strongest type of demon, pride demons combine several of the most dangerous aspects of their kind into one very powerful package. When I initially encountered one, during my first attempt to seal the Breach, I gave it a more fitting name based on its attributes: the Giant-Arsed, Horned, Laughing, Lightning-Throwing, Insanely Scary Thing, or GAHLLTIST, for the sake of brevity. Created when a spirit of wisdom or faith is twisted from its purpose, a GAHLLTIST combines the cunning of a desire demon with far more raw power than its rage and sloth-fueled cousins to create a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut. As the acronym indicates, their combat tactics, at least the ones I encountered, revolve around the use of lightning as a weapon. These attacks come in several forms, including whips, balls and just huge bursts of it from their hands. This is when they don’t just feel like using their massive claws and immense strength to eviscerate something, of course. Often able to maintain their own appearance in our world, they are also powerful enough beings that when they possess a dead body, that body does not simply remain in its original form. Most undead are simple, relatively weak corpses, but possession by a GAHLLTIST will instead transform a corpse into terrifying, powerful forms called Arcane Horrors and Revenants, depending on if the dead person could wield magic in life or not, respectively. Outside of battle, GAHLLTISTS are extremely clever beings who take a perverse delight in manipulating prideful mortals into a fall by using a person’s own strengths against them. All of these attributes make pride demons worthy of their own entry separate from their weaker demonic brethren. Well, that, and I gave them a funny name.


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