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Fade Rifts


Tried to run, tried to hide, break on through to the other side.

A Fade rift is a tear in the Veil that separates our world from the Fade. These slits allow demons and spirits to cross from one plane of reality to the other. Benevolent spirits of the Fade do not particularly want to cross over and are generally only a problem if they are forced to do so. Demons, meanwhile, desire to escape their realm and enter our world, where they can and will cause all kinds of havoc. As such, they actively seek out ways to cross over, meaning the rifts acted as highly effective demon lures. The Breach was basically a very large Fade rift that, when it was exploded into existence above the Temple of Sacred Ashes, created many other, smaller tears as well. But, while the Breach was a major problem that required the combined magical might of me and the mages recruited to the Inquisition to close, the rifts were a lesser issue. While they were dangerous and did have demons coming out of them, there were far fewer of the beasts. Also, because they were smaller, I was able to close them single-glowy-handedly once the area was clear. The rifts appeared all across Orlais and Ferelden, but I was able to track down every one the Inquisition could find and seal them shut. As for other countries, I never heard about them appearing anywhere else and never actually went to those places, so I’m going to assume, and hope, that they didn’t appear there.


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