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Corypheus' Dragon


As the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town, and with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out, now I see fire.

At first thought to be an Archdemon, Corypheus’ dragon was a corrupted monstrosity that repeatedly plagued the Inquisition. She began life as some kind of fire-breathing high dragon, but Cory used red lyrium and a piece of himself to warp her from within. These infusions had the effect of increasing the already mighty beast’s strength, as well as giving Cory complete control of her actions. He used the dragon to devastating effect at Haven and Adamant Fortress, and sicced her on us several other times, as well. Though preternaturally powerful, it was possible to harm her, as shown by Warden-Commander Clarel at Adamant. Ultimately, defeating the dragon ended up being the key to stopping Corypheus himself, as killing her would disrupt the darkspawn magister’s ability to jump between blighted bodies, allowing him to be permanently put down. After Morrigan, who transformed into a high dragon herself, wounded Cory’s dragon, it was up to my companions and me to finish her off. Considering what had been done to her, I considered it a mercy. As far as I know, her master had never even bothered to give her a name, which is why we just called her “Corypheus’ dragon,” and that strikes me as a bit sad. Even though she’s gone now, how about… Spike? Sure, Spike, because she was spiky, even spikier than a normal example of her species, and Spike just sounds like a good name for a dragon.


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