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Bianca (Crossbow)


Here's a new one to Bianca, bless her heart and bless her soul. I'll sing it through for all of you, then take it away cold.

One of the most unique weapons on Thedas, Bianca is a repeating crossbow owned and wielded by Varric Tethras. Able to spew a seemingly endless stream of bolts without needing to be cocked, she also sports a deployable bayonet for when enemies get too close. A master-crafted bow of dwarven make, Varric is loath to give out the details of where or from whom he acquired her. Depending on who asks and when, he might give one of several stock answers or a brand-new one he makes up on the spot. Due to events during the fight against Corypheus, I am one of the few who is privy to Bianca’s true origin, well, at least I’m pretty sure I am. {You are, don’t worry -Varric} If I am, that means the only mystery I need to solve is where Varric keeps all of his ammunition. Despite her excellent design, it is possible to upgrade some of her parts and increase her already incredible efficiency. Improved arms, sights, and grips made by the Inquisition smiths helped make Bianca deadlier than ever. Oddly, we also found pieces that fit on Bianca, and plans for parts for her, scattered around Thedas. Maybe Scout Harding or someone distributed them as some kind of RaMO-ish scavenger hunt? Anyways, Varric and Bianca are virtually inseparable, and I have never seen him wield another weapon. And as far as I know, Cole is the only other person who ever even held Bianca, let alone fired her. Considering the pair have been together through Varric’s adventures with both Hawke and me, Bianca has racked up one of the most impressive kill counts of any known weapon, and she shows no signs of slowing down.


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