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You can't open the door if there's nobody home, they've taken it all so just leave me alone, you can't get blood from a stone.

The Sha-Brytol are an ancient, unique civilization of dwarves that reside deep below the surface of Thedas. We know that they were once connected to the rest of their kind because their name is easily translatable from the dwarven language as “revered defenders.” When exactly they split off from the rest of their kind is unknown, but they have been around since before the First Blight and the sundering of the old dwarven kingdom. It is possible that they were a normal part of that society and the sudden invasion of the darkspawn cut them off from their kin, as it did so many others, but that bit is pure speculation on my part. Whatever happened, all record of them was lost, or deliberately erased, and there was no known contact with them for over a thousand years. They were eventually rediscovered when the Inquisition, the Legion of the Dead, and a Shaper named Valta delved into the Deep Roads to find the cause of earthquakes that threatened Orzammar. Once we had passed below the ancient dwarven highways into unknown territory, we encountered the Sha-Brytol, who attacked us almost immediately. They used powerful lyrium-infused projectile weapons that were capable of puncturing even heavy armor with ease, as they did to Renn, our legion escort, who died from his wounds soon after. Their armor was also unique, laced with lyrium and bonded directly to their flesh. We knew we were effectively invading their territory, but we had to stop whatever was causing the earthquakes and they refused to talk, so we were forced to keep moving forward through any opposition. As we went, we were able to learn more about them, including their name and purpose. They lived up to their title by being dedicated to protecting the titans, mysterious beings that lived in the stone, but that purpose had become twisted over the centuries into zealous aggression. It’s possible that is because they consume lyrium, another distinction from the dwarves we are all familiar with. We eventually made it to their home, a spectacular, fertile cavern with homes carved on the sides of huge stalactites, and were able to encounter and calm the titan, who imparted some kind of power to Valta. Due to her connection with the ancient being, she was safe from the Sha-Brytol, and insisted on staying behind. However, both she and the mysterious dwarves were swiftly isolated again, as our route to the cavern was cut off by impenetrable stone. I have a feeling that we will encounter the Shaper and the Sha-Brytol again, though, once they are ready to reconnect with the rest of their kind.


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