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The figures primed and ready, prepared for quick surprise, they're watching for a sign, their lives are on the line.

The Sentinels are a group of ancient elves that guarded the Temple of Mythal for thousands of years. Hiding deep within the Arbor Wilds, the Sentinels are a remnant of a time long past, before the arrival of humans on Thedas, when elves were effectively immortal and ruled the surface of the continent. Thanks to the relative isolation of their temple, this group of Sentinels may be the last one in existence. They are generally larger than modern elves, more akin in size to humans, with gold eyes and pale skin. Adorned with Vallaslin and wearing distinctive golden armor, they were simply different than the modern version of my kind. And, just to clarify, the elves we met aren’t descendants of the ancient elves, they are the ancient elves and have been alive since before the fall of Arlathan, over 2,000 years ago. They have survived for millennia by repeatedly entering into Uthenera, a kind of mystical sleep practiced by the ancient elves. These guardians would only awaken when a threat entered the Arbor Wilds, which they would swiftly repel and then return to their slumber. This cycle ended when Corypheus invaded the area and the Inquisition followed him, and the Sentinels attacked both armies. Eventually, after my companions and I made it into the temple and observed the ancient entry rites, we were able to make a deal with their leader, Abelas, and cooperate with them to prevent Cory from achieving his goals. Unfortunately, the end result was the destruction of the Well of Sorrows, the artifact that laid at the heart of the temple and the reason it needed to be guarded in the first place, meaning the Sentinels no longer had a purpose. They left the Arbor Wilds for parts unknown shortly after the battle and haven’t been heard from since. Though, even as an unelfish elf, their loss stings, it’s hard to blame them for not wanting to become involved in the world our people live in now. It’s hard enough just knowing the heights once achieved by elves to see our lot now, so I can’t imagine what it would be like for someone who was actually alive during those glory days.


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