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Seekers of Truth


People tend to hate us, 'cause we never smile, as we ransack their homes, they want to shake our hands.

The Seekers of Truth were an organization that investigated and oversaw the Templar order for the Chantry. Born when the original Inquisition split, they took on a role that set them above and apart from their Templar brethren. They answered directly to the Divine herself as they watched for, and punished, traitors and those who took advantage of their station. As evidenced by their eye-based heraldry, they watched the watchmen, essentially. Being some of the most elite warriors on Thedas, they also got involved in other, particularly dangerous, Chantry business when necessary. A naturally secretive order, most people don’t even know of their existence, as they rarely acted publically. The abilities of a Seeker are similar to that of a Templar, but attained through different means. They do not ingest lyrium, but instead go through a year of ritual fasting and meditation, at the end of which they are briefly made Tranquil, then touched by a Spirit of Faith, thus unmaking them Tranquil and giving them their powers. This revelation is problematic because it was thought by almost all that the Rite of Tranquility was irreversible, and the existence of the Seekers proved that some in the Chantry had known this was false for centuries. Of course, this was highly dangerous information and most of the Seekers themselves had no idea that this is what had happened to them. My companion, Cassandra, was a Seeker of Truth that worked directly for the Divine, and didn’t know exactly what was going on. That all changed after she re-formed the Inquisition, however, and events led to her discovering the truth about her order. She found out about the skeletons in their closet after most of the other Seekers were lured into a trap by their leader, Lord Seeker Lucius, and killed by being force-fed red lyrium. The Lord Seeker had been working with Corypheus for some time, apparently, and was responsible for the corruption of the Templars, as well. With most of her fellows dead and the Templar order effectively destroyed, Cassandra decided to rebuild the Seekers from scratch, this time without all the secrecy, and rededicate them to maintaining order in Thedas. We already have an Inquisition for that, but the redemption of another ancient organization devoted to the same cause, especially with Cassandra at the helm, can only make things better for everyone.


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