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Legion of the Dead


And that's when the dead men are marching again, attack of the dead, hundred men, facing the lead once again, hundred men charge again, die again

The first line of defense for their people, the Legion of the Dead is a wing of the dwarven military that takes the fight to the darkspawn. Comprised of anyone willing to join, regardless of caste or history, the legion operates in the Deep Roads, seeking out and destroying the monsters wherever they can. Their name comes from the fact that each member has a ceremonial funeral before they leave home, because they know that they will never return. Acting as devastating shock troops, they are well equipped, highly trained, and generally regarded as being the most effective dwarven fighters. As you might imagine, they have a positive relationship with the Grey Wardens, and the two groups have been known to team up against their mutual enemy. Though it is rare, the legion are casteless and are thus able to travel to the surface to fight the darkspawn without repercussion should a situation be particularly dire. The Hero of Ferelden, for example, was able to enlist the aid of a group of legionnaires in the decisive battle in Denerim that ended the Fifth Blight. The Inquisition and the legion teamed up when a series of mysterious earthquakes threatened to destroy Orzammar. Because the Wardens had been absorbed into our forces and we had just saved the world, they came to us for aid. We were met by a Shaper named Valta who was being escorted by a legion lieutenant named Renn and his men, and together we plunged into the Deep Roads and beyond to save their city. I got along quite well with them, and was immediately drawn to their efficiency, bravery, and facial tattoos. Though they were very different from mine, as different as a Dalish is from a dwarf, I’m innately drawn to almost anyone with a marked visage, and the valiant members of the Legion of the Dead were no exception.


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