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I'm only human, of flesh and blood I'm made, human, born to make mistakes.

Humans are the most numerous and dominant race on Thedas, with their varied cultures and countries covering the continent. Trying to describe humans as a group is difficult, as their values are far more diverse than the other races. Comparing your average Fereldan and Tevinter humans would yield few commonalities besides their basic physical stature, and even that can vary wildly. Generally, though, humans are taller than elves and smaller than Qunari. The Chantry, Andrastian faith, and belief in The Maker are among the few things that are common to most humans, but, again, even that can take vastly different forms depending on where you are and who you ask. I mean, just look at my human companions. Vivienne and Blackwall are both humans, but quite different from one another in almost every respect. This kind of diversity comes from humanity’s innate resilience and adaptability as a people, as they are capable of making a home just about anywhere. The older races, namely elves and dwarves, both have records of times when humans were not around. Nobody is exactly sure where humans originated, but one theory has them coming from the island of Par Vollen off Thedas’ northern coast. The first recorded human tribes on the continent were in the north, and they went on to merge into the Tevinter Imperium thousands of years ago. The Imperium eventually took over most of the continent, driving the then-dominant elves into slavery or exile. The Imperium would later fracture, and things have changed a lot since then, but humans remain the foremost force on Thedas, even if they are not a united one.


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