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Bull's Chargers


Payback is a coming, you will be running, forever, until I get my vengeance, I will never end this mayhem, I'm a mercenary, you ain't got a prayer, you owe me.

An eclectic but highly skilled company of mercenaries led by the Iron Bull, Bull’s Chargers fought alongside the Inquisition against Corypheus. Started when Bull left another group, Fisher’s Bleeders, to establish his own, the Chargers operate mainly out of Orlais, but have traveled all over Thedas in their time. As their leader is only interested in who can get the job done, he takes in any productive member, regardless of who they are or where they are from. As a result, Bull’s Chargers are a diverse lot with representatives of every origin you can think of. They are led by a Qunari, seconded by a Tevinter, with city and Dalish elves, dwarves, and humans amongst the rank and file. As a result, they are extremely flexible and capable of being effective in a wide variety of missions. And while some, more closed-minded, mercenary captains might take this diversity as a negative, I can personally attest that the Chargers are no less united than any other group, and probably even more so. They are as much a family as they are a bunch of soldiers for hire, something that was borne out during their time with the Inquisition. I first learned about the Chargers when Krem, the aforementioned Tevinter second-in-command, was waiting with an invitation after I returned to Haven from my eventful first trip to Val Royeaux. I accepted the offer and met the entire company at the Storm Coast, was impressed by their work, and hired them to the Inquisition. While Iron Bull’s main task was accompanying me on my inquisiting, the rest of his company performed exceptionally from then on. They handled everything, from rote combat missions to demon investigations to recruiting drives to demolition, with aplomb. The Chargers were so valuable to the Inquisition that I, in essence, chose them over a potential alliance with the Qunari. It was a complicated situation, and there were lots of factors in that decision, including me trusting the Qunari about as far as I could throw one of them (without magic), assuming they were only using us as an inroad to southern Thedas and would inevitably betray us, considering their end goal is to convert and conquer the whole place. At the heart of the issue, though, was the overwhelming fondness I had for Bull’s Chargers, both as a whole and individually, their chaotic unity, and the overwhelmingly positive effect they had on both the Iron Bull himself and the Inquisition as a whole. Time will tell if I made the most prudent decision, but I’ll always believe I made the right one.


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