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Blades of Hessarian


Justice soon will be done, all forsaken must believe, these warriors I follow with a blind faith, deep into the trenches of the final battle.

The Blades of Hessarian is an ancient group dedicated to doing the will of Andraste. From some points of view, anyways, many others, including the Chantry itself, say it’s a delusional cult. Either way, they are named after the fabled Sword of Mercy, the blade that killed Andraste. The Bride of the Maker was burned at the stake by Tevinter. But, as the flames engulfed her, the Archon of the Imperium, Hessarian, had a change of heart and used his sword to end her suffering quickly. Somehow, that sword ended up in the hands of a human slave named Trefir, who took it and formed the Blades to carry out Andraste’s will. Or, Trefir just made all that up and claimed he had the sword, again, different points of view. After disappearing for hundreds of years, the group resurfaced on the Storm Coast of Ferelden shortly after the re-formation of the Inquisiton. My companions and I went there to see why they were killing our scouts. I knew they couldn’t be all bad when I saw they kept trained dogs, which is almost always a positive sign, and it turned out that their boss was just a murderous bully. Since the Blades followed the orders of their leader without question, I simply got rid of the old one with a bit of well-placed fire and took over. The rest of the group were actually quite normal and helpful, and happy to be under the leadership of the Herald of Andraste. The Blades of Hessarian were a staunch ally of the Inquisition after that, and helped us hold the Storm Coast. There were also a good example that I couldn’t judge a situation without knowing all of the facts and that violence wasn’t always the right answer. Well, except, a fight made me their leader, I guess, so a little violence was the answer, which was better than a lot of violence.


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