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Waking Sea


Waking Sea


Sail away, set sail into the blue horizon, ride the waves, that guide our destiny. Sail away, today we fight and there will be no mercy for those with no grave, no grave but the sea.

One of the defining geographical features of Thedas, the Waking Sea bifurcates the continent into its northern and southern halves. The shore of the sea makes up the entire northern border of Ferelden, splits the eastern half of Orlais on either side of it, and runs along the southern edge of Nevarra and the Free Marches until it reaches the Amaranthine Ocean again. Its central position has made it a key to transportation and trade between the various nations of the world for thousands of years. As such, control of the waterways has been important for the same span of time. At one point, part of Tevinter’s Imperial Highway was a bridge that spanned the sea’s entire width close to its western end, near modern-day Val Royeaux. That span has long since been destroyed, though I was never able to find out by who or what. Similarly, the Deep Roads of the dwarves once ran under the water from one side to the other. Like most of these ancient paths, though, these routes have almost all been sealed off to prevent the spread of the darkspawn. The city of Kirkwall, towards the eastern end of the sea, actually has an enormous chain net that can be stretched across a narrow point of the sea to stop ships from passing. This allows that city’s leaders to charge exorbitant tolls and fees for access to the waters beyond. Fortunately, some persuasion from the Chantry has opened up the shipping lanes for some time now. Unfortunately, the sea is still plagued by pirates sailing south from Rivain. The Raiders of the Waking Sea are an extremely loosely organized group that preys upon vulnerable ships, taking coin, goods, and occasionally even slaves to sell in neutral markets. There are also natural dangers in the waters, as well. Wind and weather are able to disrupt transport, particularly along the rain-riddled stretch fittingly known as the Storm Coast. In addition, there are animals that can kill people and even destroy ships unlucky enough to catch their attention. A cetus is a massive, whale-eating, snake-like beast that thankfully stays near the ocean floor most of the time and only occasionally finds its way south. Despite all of these dangers, the importance of the Waking Sea cannot be undersold, and brave sailors will continue to traverse its waters in the hope of acquiring fame and fortune.


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