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Here, there and everywhere.

Are you outside? Okay, if not, go outside and then look down. Or, if it’s raining or something and you don’t want to go outside, look out a window and down at an angle. That big thing you’re standing on or looking at? That’s Thedas. Thedas is the continent where we all live, home to eight countries and two major islands. On the continent, you’ve got Orlais and Ferelden in the south, a chunk of ocean called the Waking Sea splitting it more than halfway across in the middle, the Free Marches and Nevarra right above that, and the Anderfels, Tevinter Imperium, Antiva, and Rivain in the north. The two islands, both of which are off the northern coast, are Seheron and Par Vollen. Right now, the vast majority of the continent is run by humans, with smaller populations of dwarves and elves scattered about, and the two islands are under the control of the Qunari. And because of the Qunari, we know there is more to the world than just Thedas, seeing as how they aren’t from our continent originally. The same might be true for humans, as well, but that is still up for debate. Also, the Inquisition was actually contacted by a group claiming to represent interests from another continent, now that I think about it. In addition to there being other lands across the oceans, there are parts of Thedas, namely a place called the Sunless Land south of Orlais and Ferelden, and everything to the west of Orlais and the Anderfels, that have not really been explored. Which is kind of staggering, really, considering there have been thousands of years of recorded history, during all of which nobody had the curiosity to just keep walking and see what else there was. Of course, there are perilous mountain ranges and treacherous swamps sitting in the way, and virtually everyone who has attempted such a journey has died in the attempt, but those are hardly excuses. Maybe I’ll have to give exploring a shot, should my days of inquisiting ever come to an end.


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Copyright disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976:  All images, people, places, things, races and organizations are from Dragon Age: Inquisition and are © Electronic Arts, Inc. and BioWare.  Included here under Fair Use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of parody.  All rights and credit go to the material's rightful owners.  No copyright infringement intended.

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