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The Fallow Mire


The Fallow Mire


We gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do.

AKA: …That Place

Fuck this place.

Fine, I’ll actually write something. But let history show that I did this under protest. The Fallow Mire is a terrible place in Ferelden, south of the Hinterlands. It is a stinking bog filled with undead that is constantly being assaulted by thunderstorms. Most of its only residents, those of a small fishing village, were wiped out by a plague and the rest fled after some moronic Avvar moved in nearby. I went there because the imbecilic leader of said barbarians had taken several Inquisitionites hostage in order to lure the Herald of Andraste there to prove his gods were better. He and his men were holed up in a ruined keep, I killed them all and freed my people. There was also a crazy apostate mage who had summoned demons and set up a bunch of beacons that summoned more demons so I put out the beacons and killed her, too. There were barely any RaMOs there, an everlasting amount of corpses crawling out of the brackish mire, a bunch of demons, the two aforementioned idiots, and an eternal tempest raging overhead. There was one friendly face, a sensible Avvar shaman named Amund who joined the Inquisition, a useful type of herb we could only find there, and that’s about it for positives. After leaving, I never wanted to go back, but ended up having to in order to gather items needed for my training as a Knight-Enchanter. It is the worst place I have ever been and I hate it with every fiber of my being.


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