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The Emerald Graves


The Emerald Graves


Once its whisper in the black night, reflection deep in wooded lands, a floating mist that circles shadows, a legend, tale of times gone by.

The Emerald Graves is a forested area in southeastern Orlais that required a thorough inquisiting. A relatively remote and lightly populated area, the Graves sit in the Dales, on the edge of the Arbor Wilds, and southwest of Skyhold. It is named after both the trees themselves and the ancient elven burial grounds hidden amongst them. When they were given the Dales by the family of Andraste the elves guarded their new lands with a group of Halla-riding warriors called the Emerald Knights. According to the old tales, each time a Knight committed themselves to the order, a tree was planted in their honor, a living monument to their oath. After the Knights were wiped out by the Chantry during the fall of the Dales the trees took on a new meaning as memorials of their sacrifice. Thankfully the faithful have yet to cut all of them down in a bout of righteous fury. As for my experience there, I have to say it was one of the most pleasant places I inquisited: warm, sunny, green, and home to plenty of RaMOs. Our main task was to assist a group of refugees that had hidden in the Graves from the Orlesian Civil War. They were being harassed by the Freemen of the Dales, and there were Venatori and Red Templars causing trouble and doing a bit of tomb raiding as well. Part of the area was also home to an assortment of very large beasts, meaning we had to tread carefully, lest we actually be trod on. The Graves was the home of the largest population of giants I’ve yet to encounter, and we did our best to avoid antagonizing them. The largest resident, however, was a high dragon, the Greater Mistral that I eventually decided to fight on my own. I was successful, as you can probably tell by the fact that I am still alive to write about it. And yes, I am going to keep letting people know that I took down a dragon by myself, not just to satisfy my own ego, but because it cuts down on the number of idiots that feel like they are going to be the ones to finally take me out, thus making my life that much easier.


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