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The Darvaraad


The Darvaraad


I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate. I am a rock, I am an island.

A Qunari island fortress dedicated to magical research, the Darvaarad housed the key components of a plot to destabilize and invade southern Thedas. I honestly can’t tell you where this place is, because I teleported to and from there via the eluvian network, so “in some water” is the best I’m going to be able to do with its location. I can tell you that the Ben-Hassrath used it as a safe, isolated, and disposable place to conduct research on a myriad of magical items from all over the continent. This included everything from most of the RaMOs I had collected to chunks of red lyrium. The Qunari had been studying all of these items to unlock as many eluvians as they could, as the magic mirrors could be opened by knowledge or power, so they were getting as much as they could of both. And they had been quite successful, activating enough of them to have swift access to a large swath of Thedas. The Viddasala, the Qunari in charge of the island, was going to use this to enact a plan called Dragon’s Breath, which required the resident of the largest room in the fortress, a poison-spitting high dragon. It turned out that the venom produced by the beast, and presumably, others like it, was the key to producing gaatlok, an explosive Qunari powder which, in conjunction with the eluvians, they planned to use to blow up as many leaders on the continent as they could. Unfortunately for them, I arrived in my pursuit of Viddasala, tore through the fortress and freed the dragon, which happily took down as many Qunari soldiers as it could on its way out the door. With the place virtually empty, I can only assume that the Inquisition took possession of it, or at least went in and took as many useful things as we could out of there, but, now that I think about it, I don’t really know what happened. If I’m being honest, too many other things were going on in the aftermath of foiling Dragon’s Breath for me to really pay attention to the fate of the Darvaarad.


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