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The Crossroads


The Crossroads


I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees, asked the Maker above for mercy, "take me, if you please."

A strange pocket dimension, the Crossroads is the place where all eluvians meet. Existing neither in our world nor the Fade, it is somewhere in between, but still next to both, metaphysically speaking. It was presumably created by the ancient elves who made the eluvians in the first place as a central point where all of their magic mirrors led. If not, they at least found it and put it to use. What they actually called the place is unknown, forgotten like so much of the culture of the ancient elves, and the current moniker was made up by Morrigan. She was also the one who brought me there for the first time using an eluvian in Skyhold. I’m honestly not sure if it was there already or if she brought it with her, but she knew how to activate it either way. It was her theory that Corypheus was going to use an eluvian in the Temple of Mythal in the Arbor Wilds to get closer to the Fade, where he could possibly penetrate the Veil, or whatever similar force kept the two dimensions separate, and return to the Fade to ascend to godhood. It turned out that this was not his plan, but better to keep him out, just in case. The Crossroads itself is an odd, foggy place that seemed to have no beginning or end. It was full of eluvians, most of them broken, but enough still intact to make the network of portals incredibly useful. Or dangerous, with the wrong wielders. Also, just to clarify, this is actually the second place I ended up that was called the Crossroads. Kind of confusing, but this one was more in need of explanation. The first was just a place in the Hinterlands where some roads came together and I did some inquisiting.


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