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Storm Coast


Storm Coast


Long as I remember, the rain been coming down. Clouds of mystery pouring, confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages, trying to find the sun, and I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the rain?

A secluded, stony strip of land with an interesting past, the Storm Coast was one of the first places I inquisited. Stretched across the northwestern tip of Ferelden, almost directly across the Waking Sea from Kirkwall and northeast of Skyhold, it is mostly comprised of rock beaches, steep cliffs, and dense woods. As you might guess by its name, the weather there is consistently poor and often dangerous to any passing ships. Despite this, in ancient times this particular spot on the coast was a hub of trade for the dwarves, who built a port into a system of caves that connected to the sea. Seeing as how non-surface dwarves are not allowed to see the sky, lest they be exiled from their thaig, this allowed the merchants to oversee proceedings and do business with Tevinter without technically going outside. Though they were abandoned centuries ago, dwarven ruins and statues litter the area to this day. I was first drawn to the Storm Coast when Inquisition scouts began to go missing in the area. And even before I was officially Inquisitor, you didn’t mess with my people. It turned out that the only real residents of the area, a secret society dating back to the time of Andraste called the Blades of Hessarian, had been attacking them indiscriminately. I managed to put a stop to it, win them over via a quick combat trial against their leader, and recruit them to the Inquisition. Thanks to the dwarven history of the area, there were also connections to the Deep Roads scattered about, which inevitably meant darkspawn springing out of holes in the ground and needing to be dealt with. It was also the site of several important events involving Bull’s Chargers, including meeting them for the first time and eventually choosing their lives over a potential alliance with the Qunari. Much later on, the coast was again in need of an inquisiting when the Red Templars took control of the aforementioned dwarven port, giving them an easy and defensible avenue to the Waking Sea. After that, the only danger was a fittingly lightning-spitting high dragon that had taken up residence on a nearby island, fittingly named Dragon Island. I honestly don’t know if it was already called that or if we just named it that after we found her there, but, either way, she was threatening ships in the sea and had to be removed, which drew my inquisiting on the coast to a close. And, yes, it is still raining there, in case you were wondering.


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