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Where? Where? Where do we go from here? Throw out the map! Don't look back! Throw out the map!

Though it is normally a prosperous and peaceful place, Redcliffe has seen more than its share of troubles in recent times. Built on the shores of Lake Calenhad in Ferelden, the town sprang up near the castle of the same name. Redcliffe is split into three pieces, the castle, the older part of the village, and a newer eastern expansion. Now, here is where I would usually tell you where the place is, and I will, but with a puzzling tangent. Redcliffe is at the northern edge of the Hinterlands, which means it’s at the southern edge of Lake Calenhad in southern Ferelden. I’ve been to Redcliffe many times, there were signs calling it that, everyone there thought that’s where they were, and when I got messages saying “go to Redcliffe,” the people who sent me those messages were there. The problem is, lots of people seem to think it’s somewhere else. While researching the place, I found numerous references, from respected scholars and even the former King of the country, to it being between Orzammar and Orlais, along the only pass through the Frostbacks in northwestern Ferelden. Which it isn’t. The entrance to Orzammar is north and a bit west from Redcliffe, and the pass and Orlais are directly west of Orzammar. It was also stated that the castle was instrumental in Ferelden’s defense, as it lay along the only land route into the country. Which it doesn’t. The Imperial Highway splits to go around Lake Calenhad in both directions. Redcliffe is along the southern route, but the northern route also leads into Ferelden. I never went to Orzammar itself, but I did travel between Orlais and Ferelden a lot, and Redcliffe is not on that route. So, unless there is another Redcliffe that I’m unaware of, or there is some kind of unnoticed teleportation going on when some people enter and leave, I’m afraid I’m going to have to challenge the scholars on this one.

Wherever Redcliffe might actually be, it has been an important part of several significant events of the past 15 years or so. During the Fifth Blight, the Hero of Ferelden needed the support of Arl Eamon, the ruler of the castle, village, and local area. Unfortunately, when the HoF arrived there looking for aid, he found chaos instead. Undead were assaulting the village every night, the castle was nearly abandoned, and the Arl himself was gravely ill. The HoF was eventually able to solve these problems, which had mostly been caused by a Desire Demon, and restore order. When I arrived in Redcliffe over a decade later, the troubles had returned. The rebel mages had been granted asylum there, but the rogue Templars had followed them. After the Conclave failed, violence erupted again between the two sides and, while the village itself was mostly safe, if a bit overwhelmed by refugees, the surrounding areas were devastated. Also, after the Venatori inserted themselves into the situation, Tevinter forces ended up taking over the castle. I solved those problems during the whole time-magic debacle, and was able to restore Redcliffe to a well-deserved, and hopefully lengthy, peace.


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