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It's all about the Game and how you play it, it's all about control and if you can take it. It's all about your debt and if you can pay it, it's all about pain and who's gonna make it.

The Orlesian Empire, usually just called Orlais, is the largest and strongest nation on Thedas, wielding immense amounts of both divine and military power. Founded over 900 years ago when Drakon I was crowned Emperor, the Chantry was founded in Orlais soon after, and the country remains the seat of the Divine and the heart of the religion. Slowly expanding over the centuries, the empire now covers most of southwestern Thedas, with the Frostback Mountains and Ferelden to the east. Orlais is generally disliked or distrusted by its neighbors, probably owing to the fact that the Empire has invaded all of them at one point or another. The current ruler is Celene Valmont I who, with a little inquisitorial assistance, successfully navigated a civil war, potential coup, assassination attempt, and demon invasion, all during one grand ball. So, a mildly more interesting night than most fancy Orlesian parties.

Orlesians are an interesting lot, to say the least. The lower class there is similar to most commoners, maybe a bit worse off in some ways, but with a miniscule chance of moving up in the world. The nobility of Orlais is the more commonly thought of outward face of the country. Their internal politics are constantly embroiled in what they call the Grand Game, a never-ending, shadowy contest for power. The Game is probably one of the reasons that most Orlesians outside of the lower class wear masks everywhere, to hide their true face or some nonsense like that. Almost everything is about outward appearance in Orlais, and everywhere you look there is something colorful or shiny or showy designed to impress everyone else. While this has resulted in a wonderful tradition of art and theater there, it also leads to much of the country, especially the cities, having a cold, fake feel, at least to this elf.

The backbone of Orlais’ military might is the chevaliers, an order of highly trained noble knights. The chevaliers are just as showy as the rest of Orlais, but you shouldn’t let the shiny armor, masks, and prodigious helmet plumage fool you, they are some of the best warriors on the continent. They are also not subject to any laws when it comes to common people, leading to rampant examples of abuse towards the masses and a general haughtiness to anyone else the knights deem to be lesser than them, which is most people. As such, the chevaliers serve as an effective microcosm of Orlais itself. A true force to be reckoned with hiding secrets behind an impressive, polished visage.


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