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Frostback Basin


Frostback Basin


There's a house at the top of a tree, in the house there's a room, in the room there's a chair, and sitting in the chair is you.

An odd bit of land at the southern end of the mountains that share the same name, Frostback Basin was the site of the first major post-Corypheus inquisiting. Almost due south of Skyhold, the area is nestled between the Frostback Mountains and a large body of water called Cloudcap Lake. Despite its relatively small size, it is home to multiple biomes, including a thick forest of massive trees and a dark swamp full of huge, thorny vines. Like most of the Frostbacks, it has been settled, relatively speaking, by the Avvar, notably the Stone-Bear Clan, who have carved an impressive hold in the cliffs overlooking the lake. It is also replete with ancient ruins, primarily of Tevinter origin. The Inquisition was drawn to the basin by a researcher from the University of Orlais named Bram Kenric. He had uncovered evidence that Frostback Basin was the place where the leader of the original Inquisition, a man named Ameridan, had disappeared hundreds of years ago. His efforts to research the area had been stymied by a clan of Avvar called the Jaws of Hakkon, who were also wearing out their welcome with the local Stone-Bears with their wanton aggression. So, we headed in to clear a path to the potential resting place of my predecessor and quickly discovered that, like usual, we had stumbled into a more complex and dangerous problem than we had anticipated. This time it involved ancient gods, time magic, invasion plots, historical déjà vu, and a bear. The Basin also ended up being home to my favorite Inquisition camps amongst all of the ones I had established across Thedas. For practical, aggressive-animal avoidance purposes, our camps in the area were mostly perched amongst the foliage of the titanic trees I mentioned earlier. Given my general preference of nature over gaudy cities, I was delighted with these treehouses, and they made my time in the Basin that much more pleasant.


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