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How much more can we take? Fight for freedom, fight authority, fight for anything, my country tis' of me.

One of the youngest countries of Thedas, having been formed just over 400 years ago, Ferelden has nevertheless seen a lot of history in its relatively short life. Formed when several Alamarri clans were united by the soon-to-be first king, Calenhad Theirin, the new nation claimed the land east of the Frostback Mountains, and Orlais, for itself. Over the ensuing years, Ferelden endured a rebellion and attempted coup by the Grey Wardens, after which the order was banished, a decade-long civil war, and a successful Orlesian invasion followed by nearly 80 years of brutal occupation. Then, as Ferelden was healing from all of that, the darkspawn showed up. The Grey Wardens, who had been allowed back into the country about twenty years earlier, tried to help King Cailan stop the Fifth Blight immediately, but the bulk of the Wardens and part of Cailan’s army were left to die by Commander Loghain Mac Tir, who unexpectedly quit the battlefield. Loghain then swiftly installed himself as regent for his daughter, who happened to be the queen. Another civil war started, this time with a blight bearing down on the nation. Fortunately, two Grey Wardens ended up surviving the disastrous battle, a young man named Alistair and a mysterious, brand-new Warden who would go on to be known as the Hero of Ferelden. Long story short, the HoF and Alistair united various factions from around Ferelden, stopped the Blight during its attack on the capital city of Denerim, and killed Loghain in the process. Alistair, who it turned out was of royal blood, married the queen and rules to this day as King of Ferelden. The HoF, meanwhile, has disappeared, though certain people do know how to contact him if need be.

The people of Ferelden are generally of hardy stock, and maintain a simple lifestyle. Their culture places value in hard work, skilled craftsmanship, and freedom. As such, they are often looked down on by other, haughtier nations (read: Orlais) as a crude people one step away from being savages. Fittingly, as that is almost exactly, or exactly, what those nations think of my people, the Dalish, I enjoy Ferelden and its denizens very much. Also, they love dogs, particularly a very intelligent breed called Mabari, which is just another point in their favor. A vast majority of the population now worships Andraste and the Maker, so the Chantry did its job well. There are several levels of nobility, but even the lowest commoner is free to live where they like, be paid for honest work, and do what they please, within reason. Guards only act for a very serious situation, and the laws are more guidelines than actual rules. The elves of Ferelden are treated fairly well, compared to many other countries, at least. In cities, they live in separate, walled areas called alienages, and have a difficult time finding justice for any transgressions that should befall them, but are at least allowed to not be slaves or unpaid servants. Ferelden is a proud, stubborn dog-loving country full of proud, stubborn, dog-loving people just waiting for the next blow that the world has to throw at them. And if history has taught us anything, Ferelden will be ready to throw one of its own right back.


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