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Oh well, wherever you are, Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far.

Madame de Fer
Hairless Mage
Iron Lady (Varric nickname) {Really, you’re going to claim that one? You just translated it from Orlesian.}

Vivienne, often known by her nickname, Madame de Fer, is simultaneously a powerful mage and canny player of the Game. Equally dangerous in both physical and political confrontations, she has made a habit of breaking through barriers as she ascends ever higher up the social ladder. Though she has fully ingrained herself into Orlesian society, Vivienne was actually born in the Free Marches, Wycome, to be specific, and her magical talent manifested itself at a very young age. She was accepted into the Ostwick Circle, quickly completed her training, and was transferred to the Circle in Montsimmard, in Orlais, where she began to rack up accomplishments and titles. She actively pursued the position of Court Enchanter to Empress Celene, long thought to be a joke appointment. After acquiring it, however, Vivienne used her proximity to the Empress to influence events in Orlais, skirting the established rules about mages not being able to hold any actual political authority. Around this time, she also ascended to become First Enchanter of her Circle, further solidifying her power. Vivienne was staunchly against the Circles separating from the Chantry, and when Grand Enchanter Fiona and the “rebel mages” voted the split into reality, Vivienne assumed the role of leader of the “loyal mages,” those that shared her views. Shortly after the destruction of the Conclave, Vivienne invited me to a party at the estate of her lover, Duke Bastian de Ghislain, near Val Royeaux. There, she froze a marquis who was making a scene at my expense, a scene I later learned that she provoked, and offered her assistance to the Inquisition. I accepted, and Vivienne spent the rest of her time with us using her substantial power, both magical and political, to help the Inquisition succeed.

Being completely honest, it would be a stretch to say that I like Vivienne. On a fundamental level, I disagree with virtually everything she enjoys and stands for. This ranges from something as trivial as her penchant for ridiculously gaudy and opulent fashion to as important as her views on how her fellow mages should be treated. I don’t like the way she looks down on virtually everyone, her constant playing of the Game, even inside the Inquisition, and her casual dismissal of things that can’t help her ascend higher. So, no, I don’t particularly like Vivienne but, despite our differing points of view on a majority of topics, she and I worked very well together in the Inquisition. I don’t have to like her to be her friend and hold great respect for her. She is extremely driven and ultimately wants order on Thedas. She can also show great compassion, even if it is concentrated on those she cares for. It was rare for her to ask directly for favors, and the most notable time she did, it was to have me retrieve a rare ingredient for a potion that was, sadly, ultimately unable to save the life of her lover. Though we often disagree about the details, having a differing point of view in the room is always valuable in reaching the best solution to a problem. Vivienne always provided that counterpoint in an eloquent, intelligent manner and helped temper potentially extreme decisions. Plus, it amuses both parties when I call her a haughty bitch every now and again.


We both have our roles, this is a symbiotic relationship, 'cause we're Frenemies, we like disliking one another.

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