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Here within my lonely frame, my eyes just hurt my brain. Will time make men more sane?

Another Also the Most Adorable
Scribbles (Varric nickname)

Valta is a Shaper from Orzammar who accompanied the Inquisition’s investigation into the Deep Roads. Shortly after the incident in Frostback Basin with the Jaws of Hakkon was resolved, a new crisis arose in the form of earthquakes that threatened to destroy Orzammar, one of the last remaining dwarven cities. The Inquisition was called on to assist them in pushing back the darkspawn and finding the source of the disturbances, and Valta was our primary contact. A historian and researcher who had been unceremoniously sent away from Orzammar for refusing to change historical records for someone else’s political gain, she guided us further and further under the surface in search of answers. Thoughtful and curious, as you might expect from someone in her line of work, she was also able to hold her own against the many hostile creatures we encountered. She always seemed to know where she was going, though it would have been extremely easy to get lost in the myriad tunnels we trudged through. I can’t confirm it because I couldn’t sense it, but Valta claimed she was following some sort of sound, a song coming from the stone itself that led her where she needed to go. I can confirm that it worked and we eventually found ourselves in a marvelous, verdant cavern where we discovered the source of the earthquakes and put a stop to them. During the fight, Valta was struck by a blast of pure lyrium that awakened something within her. Briefly overwhelmed by the song she had been hearing, she emitted a discharge of what can only be called magic, something normally impossible for dwarves, before regaining her typical calm demeanor. She explained what had happened as best as she could, that she had connected with the titan that had been causing the destruction and calmed it. She also insisted that we leave her there and report back to Orzammar that we didn’t really know what happened to her, which was close enough to the truth that I didn’t feel bad about it. As far as we know, Valta is still down there, communicating with the titan and learning ancient knowledge that, if she ever reemerges, could shake the foundational history our world is built on.


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