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Looks like it's now or never, out of the darkness you stumble into the light, fighting for the things you know are right.

The Inquisitor
Inquisitor Sam the Glowy-Handed
The Herald of Andraste
Your Worship
{Please just call me Sam}

Hello, this is your author speaking, and I just wanted to start off with how odd it is to have to write an explanation of yourself. That said, my history is simple enough, I was born as a member of the Dalish clan Lavellan in the Free Marches. My father was Dalish, and my mother was originally a city elf who had fled her alienage and found the clan. She gave me my name, which roughly translates to “eternal laughter,” but she didn’t really understand the language, apparently, she just experimented with putting various words together and liked the way my name sounded. It did turn out to be prophetic, though, as, partially thanks to her influence, I was always more lively and fun-loving than most of my clan. I’ve since been told that I’m generally not very “elfy.” I exhibited magical talent at a young age, and delighted in using this gift to create fun for myself and my people. This included my friend Mahanon, another magically talented youth who might have become our First, until a certain… incident involving noodles took place. An incident that nobody can prove I had anything to do with, but did result in him being sent to another clan. Anyways, back to me and things I actually did, because I absolutely did not do that thing with the noodles, I was eventually sent by my Keeper to spy on the Conclave. When the Temple of Sacred Ashes was basically obliterated by an explosion, I was the sole survivor. I fell out of the Fade with a new, glowy, mysterious magical force attached to my hand that had the power to open and close Fade rifts, was lauded as the Herald of Andraste, and eventually became the Inquisitor. I made world-shaking decisions, discovered history-shattering revelations, led armies, saved rulers and their countries, was glorified and betrayed, traveled through time, found an inordinate amount of strange cheese-based scenes, met lifelong friends and the love of my life. For the details of all that and more, you’ll have to just read the book, I’m not describing all of it for you here. As for who I am, well, this is the weird part, what can I say, I’m me. A raging magical bonfire, a cyclone of face-tattooed fun, an army of one, as smooth as eluvian glass and as sharp as a Dalish arrow. You’re talking about a dragon-slaying, aspiring-god-slaying, fire-slinging, spectral-sword-swinging, glowy-hand-waving, world-saving son of an elf! WOO! Sorry, got a little carried away, I’m back. So, yes, I’m me. The one who will go down in the history books as Uth’Samahl Lavellan, or Inquisitor Sam the Glowy-Handed. But, if we ever meet, just Sam is plenty, thanks.


Dare, dare to believe you can survive, you hold the future in your hand.

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