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The Viddasala


Here comes a fire, we'll burn it to the ground, inside the page lies the power, words have control, to take away your heart and then your soul.

Book Shoulder
Maybe the Only Female Qunari
Ferociously Stoned

The Viddasala was one of the only female Qunari I ever saw, and definitely the only one I actually spoke to, a high-ranking officer who tried and failed to destabilize southern Thedas while the Inquisition dealt with the Exalted Council. She was one of the three leaders of the Ben-Hassrath, the Qunari group that the Iron Bull had once belonged to, and her area of expertise was magic. Namely, figuring out how to control and stop it, which is not surprising, given the general distaste the followers of the Qun have for it. She had been worried by the rise of the Inquisition, an organization centered around a mage with a powerful, reality-tearing glowy hand, and intended to do something about it. The plan was a bit convoluted, but it involved using the eluvian network that they had partially reactivated to swiftly plant explosives in as many centers of power as they could and blow up the leaders within them, destabilizing the countries and clearing the way for invasion and conversion. The only part of this plan that I approved of was the name, Dragon’s Breath, which was just fantastic. I first encountered Vid in the flesh in a ruined library that we found in the Crossroads, where she expounded on the dangers of magic and revealed that she thought we were somehow allied with Fen’Harel because an agent of his had also been disrupting her plan. We followed her to an island fortress called the Darvaarad, where we put a stop to Dragon’s Breath for good. As she fled, the Viddasala revealed that Solas was the agent of Fen’Harel that had plagued her, and he had been working to achieve the elven god’s ends since before the Breach opened. We pursued her through a series of eluvians and eventually I went alone to confront her and Solas. Though she was warned to leave or else, Vid chose to or else and attacked, resulting in her being turned into a statue without even getting a chance to hurl her weapon. Whether the rest of the Qunari were as extreme in their views as the Viddasala or not, they will probably not be pleased by another high-ranking member being killed in the south in the span of about five years after Hawke offed their Arishok during her adventures. I have a foreboding feeling that the Viddasala and her Dragon’s Breath were only the beginning.


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