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The Iron Bull


Well, seems like fate's pulling you, decisions have to be made, the best path is the hardest earned.

Hissrad (His Qunari Title-Name)
Tiny (Varric nickname)
His name is already "The Iron Bull," what do you want from me?

The Iron Bull is the Qunari captain of the mercenary company Bull’s Chargers and fought for the Inquisition against Corypheus. He was raised on the island of Par Vollen and after receiving his education in the Qun, assigned to the Ben-Hassrath. They used him as possibly the largest spy in history after his talent for deception earned him the name Hissrad, which translates roughly from Qunlat as “liar.” He was later sent to Seheron, where conflicts were brutal and often personal, until Bull willingly removed himself from the island and was reassigned to Orlais, where he worked as a mercenary. After several years of unsatisfying service in Fisher’s Bleeders, Bull took a few of the best members of that company and split off to form his own. Bull’s Chargers quickly earned a reputation as a highly effective company amongst the nobility of Orlais, and had little trouble finding work. The whole time, Bull secretly passed information about said nobles back to his superiors. When I returned from my first trip to Val Royeaux shortly after the founding of the Inquisition, I was invited to the Storm Coast, where Bull and his company effectively auditioned for a job. The company as a whole and the horned man himself made a significant first impression, to say the least, and I wasted no time in acquiring their services. While the Chargers operated mostly on their own, Iron Bull spent much of his time accompanying me in my inquisiting, putting his significant bulk between my flimsy frame and the innumerable things that wanted to tear it apart, the bigger and more dangerous the opponent, the better.

Saying that the Iron Bull’s time with the Inquisition had an impact on his life would be a drastic understatement. His actual personality changed very little, however. Being raised in the Qun, he believes in making order out of chaos, something that aligned very well with my mission statement. We always got along well, and his very different point of view on events helped me see situations from more than my own angle. And even though I rarely partake, Bull was the most likely man to get me to drink, typically resulting in some sort of trouble. He is a large man with large appetites, and the fact that he could most often be found in Skyhold’s tavern should tell you plenty about him. As should the reason of why he is missing an eye, which is getting in the way of a Tevinter flail meant to make an example of his current second in command, Krem. Far more gregarious than most of his people due to his extended time away from the Qun, he began to view the Chargers and parts of the Inquisition as family, rather than tools to help him further the cause of the Qunari. Though he still believed in and followed the ways of his people, these relationships were one of many ways in which Bull tested the borders of the Qun, even before joining our cause. However, it was the decision to save Bull’s Chargers and sacrifice a Qunari dreadnought during a mission that could have resulted in an official, unprecedented alliance between the Inquisition and the Qunari that finally pushed him beyond those boundaries. He was declared Tal-Vashoth, effectively exiled from his people. Though I gave the order, Bull still had the choice to execute it or not. He did, and in doing so, sided with the family he had chosen, rather than the one he was born into. Bull and the Chargers continue to work with the Inquisition, traveling across Thedas to maintain the order that they fought and sacrificed to win.


We live each day like there's nothing to lose, but a man has needs and that need is booze. They say all the best things in life are free, so give all your beer and your rum to me!

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