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The Hero of Ferelden


Would you swear, that you'll always be mine, or would you lie? Would you run and hide? Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I don't care, you're here tonight.

The HoF
The Warden
Lover of Witches

The Hero of Ferelden is the most commonly used name for the Grey Warden that united Ferelden against the Fifth Blight. Despite his fame, however, it seems like most people use his title because they don’t actually know what his name is. In fact, there seems to be a lot of confusion about his origin, what his skills are, even what race and gender he is. I am privy to this sort of information, however, and can confirm that the HoF is a human male named Daylen Amell, former mage of the Lake Calenhad Circle in Ferelden. A quick aside for a fun fact, Amell is the family name of Hawke’s mother as well, and the Hero of Ferelden and Champion of Kirkwall are actually cousins. Shortly before the onset of the Fifth Blight, the HoF was caught up in some trouble involving another mage who tried to escape the Circle by using blood magic. Before the future HoF could be punished for aiding and abetting, however, he was recruited by Warden-Commander Duncan, who happened to be there at the time. After the catastrophic battle at Ostagar, he and another young Grey Warden, Alistair, were the only members of their order left alive in Ferelden. Rather than give up or wait for help, the two instead gathered a group of companions, including my spymaster Leliana and Orlesian liaison Morrigan, and proceeded to use ancient Warden treaties to recruit the help of several disparate groups from around the country to combat the blight. These groups included the dwarves of Orzammar, Dalish elves, the Circle mages, and even a clan of werewolves. They successfully stopped the darkspawn in the capital city of Denerim, and while Alistair married the Queen, Anora, and became King, Amell was granted the rank of Warden-Commander of Ferelden. In the ensuing years, he solved various other problems, including tracking down his lover, Morrigan, but at some point he disappeared. Leliana and Cassandra searched in vain for him when they were looking for a leader to head the Inqusition, but he resurfaced too late for that. According to Morrigan, he was searching for a way to stop the Calling, the signal from a Grey Warden’s blighted body that their end is near. I have yet to meet the HoF in person, though we did communicate a bit during the fight against Corypheus. The Hero of Ferelden is a legend in his own time, one of the most important and inspirational figures of our Age. I’d like to think that I am, while fighting for order as the Inquisitor, carrying on his noble legacy. Just with more face-tattoos and glowy hands and sarcasm.


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