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Thane Svarah Sun-Hair


Then some were spellbound, some were hell-bound, some they fell down and some got back up and fought back against the meltdown.


Svarah Sun-Hair is the thane of the Stone-Bear Clan of Avvar and hosted the Inquisition during the incident involving the Jaws of Hakkon. Headquartered in Stone-Bear Hold in Frostback Basin, she has ruled over her clan fairly and sensibly for some time. When the Jaws of Hakkon moved into the area, Sunny was not particularly pleased with her new, aggressive, neighbors, but tolerated their presence out of respect for what they’d lost. When we proved that they had crossed the line and abducted her clan’s hold-beast, Storvacker, however, all bets were off and Sunny helped us foil the Jaws’ plan to unleash Hakkon Wintersbreath on an unsuspecting continent. When the job was done, she declared that her clan and the Inquisition were on good terms going forward, and granted me the title of “First-Thaw,” an honor among her people. That name, and her own “Sun-Hair” moniker, are what her people call a “legend-mark,” an event-specific title of honor that refers to a great deed or achievement performed by that person. Sunny got hers for having her hair lit on fire during battle, apparently, which she ignored as she continued to fight. Unfortunately, I was unable to ever see if her hair lived up to its reputation, as she kept it hidden under a hood whenever we met. I completely understand, the basin, while more pleasant than most of the Frostbacks, still isn’t the warmest place on Thedas. And I know that, if it were to exist, it would just be some hair, but it would have been nice to at least catch a glimpse of the legendary locks of someone who has it specifically cited in her name.


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Copyright disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976:  All images, people, places, things, races and organizations are from Dragon Age: Inquisition and are © Electronic Arts, Inc. and BioWare.  Included here under Fair Use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of parody.  All rights and credit go to the material's rightful owners.  No copyright infringement intended.

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