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From there to here, from here to there, all black and brown and covered in hair.

{Yes, Storvacker is a bear, which you might think would place her in the “Things” category. However, given what I discovered about the secret lives of bears, and the fact that she is a full-fledged member of the Inquisition that definitely thinks she’s people, into “People” she goes. -Sam}

Official Bear of the Inquisition
The Bearquisitor
Almost Wintersbreath

Storvacker is a bear and was the hold-beast of the Stone-Bear clan of Avvar that occupied Frostback Basin. A hold-beast is a sacred connection to the gods that is a member of the clan and free to come and go as it pleases. It represents, through its own bearsona, the overall outlook of the group, so the human members are invested in keeping their hold-beast healthy and happy. Storvacker fulfilled this role for her clan of barbearians when the Inquisition arrived to investigate the Jaws of Hakkon. Shortly after we arrived, she went missing, and we discovered that the Jaws had imprisoned her to try and make her the new host of their god, Hakkon Wintersbreath, and unleash pandamonium on their enemies. We were bearly able to save her from this grizzly fate, but this act was the final straw that officially broke the peace between the two clans, and by this point our Avvar allies were oso eager to take up arms against their unbearable neighbors. When we assaulted the ruins where the Jaws were making their final stand, Storvacker fought alongside us, wading into battle with nothing but her bear paws and embearassing her foes. Once the entire incident was resolved, however, Thane Svarah Sun-Hair informed us that, by allowing herself to be bear-napped instead of fighting to the death, Storvacker would have to be judged accordingly. By me, for some reason. Impressed by her fighting skills and sensing an opportunity, of both the practical and comedic varieties, I accepted Storvacker into the Inquisition and had Cullen kumand her as part of our forces. Though this bearrier-breaking addition was a bit polarizing at first, she quickly proved her worth by allowing us to impress several other Avvar clans with her mere presence, who then lent us their aid and made our lives in the Frostback Mountains that much easier. This alone makes her a koalaty addition to the Inquisition.

{I’d say you’re better than the cheap bear puns, but all prior evidence points to the contrary. -Varric}
{I will take that as a compliment, thank you very much. -Sam}
{I knew you would. Also, what’s a koala? -Varric}


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Copyright disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976:  All images, people, places, things, races and organizations are from Dragon Age: Inquisition and are © Electronic Arts, Inc. and BioWare.  Included here under Fair Use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of parody.  All rights and credit go to the material's rightful owners.  No copyright infringement intended.

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