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Oh, the end isn't here, but it's coming real soon. The feeling isn't fear, it's just telling you to move.

Most Featureless Elf
Fade Walker
Flat Leaver
The Brow (of The Bow and the Brow™)
Chuckles (Varric nickname)

Solas is a figure shrouded in mystery, and not much is known about his past. An apostate elf, of neither the city nor Dalish variety, he was apparently near Haven when the Breach was created, and offered his assistance to the Chantry forces. He possesses a deep knowledge of the Fade and thought that information could be used to help. I originally found him very early in my inquisiting, as he and Varric fought demons when Cassandra and I ascended towards the Temple of Sacred Ashes. The first time, right after I was a prisoner and had forgotten how to walk. Though, apparently, by that time he had already prevented the Anchor from killing me in my sleep. He also showed me how to use my glowy hand to close Fade rifts, and stayed to help as one of my companions. His knowledge and skills proved invaluable to the Inquisition as he assisted in reactivating elven artifacts to strengthen the Veil across Ferelden and Orlais, preventing even more demons from crossing over. Also, after the destruction of Haven, he led the remains of the Inquisition to Skyhold, giving us a safe place to rebuild our strength. Without Solas, the Inquisition would not have survived, and the world would not have been saved from Corypheus, it is as simple as that.

Solas was generally courteous, quiet and kept to himself, but was perfectly capable of speaking up and causing a ruckus should he deem it necessary. As I mentioned, he could not be fitted into the two modern elven categories, city or Dalish. I think that might be part of the reason we got along well, because, despite the tree on my face, I don’t really fit in with those groups either. His knowledge of the Fade was greater than any I had known, and he had some unique abilities associated with it. For example, after the destruction of Haven, he brought me back there while I dreamed, and we had a conversation in an exact replica of the village as it had been. The usually obvious Fade-ness of such a recreation was not present in the slightest, it was just Haven. Before joining the Inquisition, Solas traveled around Thedas and dreamed in elven ruins, viewing and learning from the past. There, he befriended various spirits, and preferred their company over that of most people. I learned a great deal about spirits and the Fade from him, and was sad when he disappeared immediately after we defeated Corypheus for good. We haven’t heard from him since, but we are still looking.


How could you ever know? There in the forest, I had teeth to show, in a different time, when the world was mine and the sun burnt low.

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