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Things aren't the way they were before, you wouldn't even recognize me anymore. Not that you knew me back then, but it all comes back to me in the end.

Some Rod from the Chantry
Rod the Redeemed In the End

Roderick was the Grand Chancellor of the Chantry at the time the Inquisition was formed. “Grand Chancellor” being a fancy name for “annoying bureaucrat and glorified message-carrier.” While Roderick occupied the highest-possible position for a man who served the Chantry, his duties were merely to spread the words of the Divine amongst the rest of the Chantry and advise Most Holy on everyday events. Still, this did mean he had regular, direct contact with the Divine and, especially after most of the higher-ranking members were killed at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, considerable sway over the Chantry’s overall message. Rod didn’t make the best first impression on me, seeing as how the moment we met he tried to order my execution. Thankfully for me, and the survival of Thedas, Cassandra and Leliana ignored him. He continued to be an annoyance for the early parts of my inquisiting, but, partially thanks to the Chantry hierarchy being divided and without a true leader, was no more than that. He eventually came around to see the value in the Inquisition, but it unfortunately took him staring death in the face to do so. When Corypheus assaulted Haven, Rod took a mortal blow from a Red Templar as the Chancellor defended one of the townspeople. Helped into the Chantry by Cole, Rod told us about the secret path leading out of the Chantry into the mountains, which ultimately allowed the Inquisition to escape and endure. Despite how obnoxious he may have been, we wouldn’t have survived without Rod, it’s that simple, and he deserves respect and recognition for his sacrifice.


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