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What a thrill, with darkness and silence through the night, I give my life, not for honor, but for you.

The Solid Lieutenant
Not Dalish or even an Elf but has a Face Tattoo
Technically Dead
Also Actually Dead
Except Maybe Not Actually Dead
Grisly (Varric nickname)

Renn was a lieutenant in the Legion of the Dead that accompanied the Inquisition on their trip to the Deep Roads. He joined the legion because it meant that his family’s mounting debt would be wiped away and they would not be tossed practically naked into the streets. Though he was loath to talk about it, he did fight against the Fifth Blight, but never met the Hero of Ferelden, like some of his comrades. He eventually worked his way up to the rank of lieutenant, not quite the big boss of the legion, but a respectable position nonetheless. A few years before we met him, he and his squad were assigned to guard a Shaper named Valta as she explored the Deep Roads. When earthquakes threatened Orzammar and the Inquisition was asked to assist, Valta and Renn were our primary contacts. The lieutenant was clearly an old soul who had seen more than his share of horrors during his time fighting the darkspawn. This experience made him a solid companion, however, and his help was invaluable as we pressed further underground. When we made it past the Deep Roads, however, we encountered a mysterious people called the Sha-Brytol, who possessed advanced weapons unlike anything we had ever seen. They shot Renn straight in the chest, and though he was able to power through and finish that fight, he succumbed to his wounds soon after. We buried him there and continued on, but, frighteningly, that is not the end of his story. After hearing an eerie, otherworldly cry emanate from below, an investigative team found that Renn’s grave was empty and the way forward sealed off. What exactly will come of this in the future, if anything, is obviously unknown, but virtually every potential scenario is at least creepy if not downright horrific.


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