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Her weapons were her crystal eyes, making every man mad, black as the dark night she was, got what no-one else had.

{This is another one of those entries that needs a special warning, because the truths we discovered about Mythal are literally thousands of years in the making and fundamentally change generally accepted knowledge, as well as ruining other entries. So, tread carefully. -Sam}

All Mother
Tree Face Inspirer
Holder of Morrigan's Leash

Mythal the Protector is a member of the Evanuris, called the All Mother and the goddess of love and justice. Like all knowledge of the ancient elves, much of Mythal’s history has been lost to time and sometimes the stories contradict one another, so I’m just giving you the best explanation I can. Mythal emerged from the sea to calm Elgarn’nan, and the pair gave birth to several of the other gods. The husband and wife ruled over the pantheon, with Mythal acting as a calm, rational presence amongst the often violent and chaotic group. Though she solved problems fairly, and peacefully when possible, she was incredibly powerful in her own right and not afraid to physically intervene. She could take the form of a dragon, and is often depicted as a combination of an elf and one of the winged beasts. Like all of the other elven deities, Mythal was tricked by Fen’Harel and sealed in the Beyond for all time millennia ago, where she remains to this day.

Well, that was the story, at least. Unfortunately for the old tales, and the pride of the Dalish, reality turned out to be quite different. The first hit they took was in the Temple of Mythal in the Arbor Wilds. There, Abelas, leader of the ancient Sentinels who had guarded the area since the time Mythal still walked our world, informed us that Mythal was not stuck in another plane of reality. She was dead. Invaders had ransacked her temple and murdered her, so she wasn’t in the Fade, but was still gone. That jab staggered the knowledge of Mythal but turned out to only be the setup for an uppercut which would completely flatten it. After the events at the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan and I chased her son Kieran into an eluvian in Skyhold and ended up in the Fade. There, we found Morrigan’s mother, Flemeth, who delivered the knockout blow. Mythal’s body had died that day, but her spirit had clung to life and eventually found a new host in the form of a human woman named Flemeth. Seeking justice, the two had merged into one being and spent centuries building their power and making some form of plan to enact it. Several supposed deaths later, here they were, alive and well. Fortunately for me, Morrigan, who was now enthralled to her god-mother because she drank from the Well of Sorrows, and the rest of Thedas, Flemthal wanted Corypheus to succeed as much as we did, so, not at all, and cooperated with us before disappearing again. Where she is now and what she has in store for us, I cannot tell you, but what I do know is that the power contained within her is enough to shake the heavens themselves, and when she decides to act, you had better hope that you aren’t subject to her justice.


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