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Mother Giselle


I see your star, you left it burning for me. Mother, I'm here.

Revered Mother of Awesomeness

An early ally of the Inquisition, Giselle was a liberal-minded Revered Mother of the Chantry who supported our cause from the beginning. She represents what I consider to be the best of the Chantry, and was always focused on compassion, aid, and understanding for all. She gained some infamy while she was in charge of a Chantry in Jader, an Orlesian city very close to Ferelden. Just after the Fifth Blight, an influx of refugees fleeing the darkspawn had caused a food shortage in Jader. Giselle gave away all of the food meant to feed her own people to those who needed it, forcing her superiors to send her more. When the new stocks arrived, she distributed that as well, but ignored the tiered distribution plan she was supposed to follow, which had her personnel at the top and elves at the bottom, just below the foreign refugees. While these actions annoyed the Chantry, they made Giselle beloved amongst the downtrodden. After the Mage-Templar war broke out in earnest in the Hinterlands of Ferelden, she travelled to the Crossroads to aid the innocent victims of that conflict. That is where I met her, as my first official piece of inquisitorial business was to find her, keep her safe, and bring her to Haven to assist the Inquisition. She was remarkably accepting of being rescued by an elven mage being called the Herald of Andraste, which endeared her to me immediately. Upon our return to Haven, she suggested we travel to Val Royeaux to face the remaining Chantry leaders and convince them we weren’t a threat, which was a fine idea but failed miserably, at least initially. After the destruction of Haven, when I found the others in the mountains, it was Giselle who began the powerful, uplifting, and deeply embarrassing singing of The Dawn Will Come in my honor. This led directly to me being named the Inquisitor shortly after, when we found Skyhold. Though her role receded after that, Giselle remained with the Inquisition throughout the fight against Corypheus, acting as a constant source of kindness and level-headed counsel.


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