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Weep not poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and passions.

{Another quick ruiner warning for this entry, as Morrigan’s story, though relatively straightforward in and of itself, directly intersects with others that could potentially ruin some of the overall mystery. A bit of a sideways warning, then, but a warning nonetheless. -Sam}

A Witch of the Wilds
Daughter of Flemthal
Also Got Her Boyfriend to Kill Flemthal
The Scornful Sorceress
She of the Disappointingly Normal Hip Proportions
As Frightening as a Dragon but Not a Dragon but Can Become a Dragon

Morrigan is a mysterious and powerful sorceress who was part of the Orlesian court and Empress Celene’s liaison to the Inquisition. She spent her early life in the Korcari Wilds of southern Ferelden, where she was raised by Flemeth, the legendary and seemingly eternal Witch of the Wilds. A Witch herself, Morrigan is an extremely adept mage who can shapeshift into various animals and monsters. After living a mostly isolated life, she was suddenly embroiled in the troubles of the outside world when she stumbled upon a group of young men aspiring to be Grey Wardens near her home. After this brief encounter, she came across the remaining pair of the group again as two of the only survivors of the calamitous battle at Ostagar. These two men were Alistair, the future King of Ferelden, and the man who would soon be known as the Hero of Ferelden. Morg helped her mother nurse the two back to health, and soon accompanied the Wardens on their journey to assemble an army to beat back the blight. During that long process, she and the HoF fell in love, Morrigan convinced him to kill Flemeth, and, shortly before the climactic clash in Denerim, the pair conceived a child. After that battle, Morrigan disappeared, but her lover, now Warden-Commander of Ferelden, was able to track her down. Reunited, both disappeared for a time. A few years before the re-formation of the Inquisition, Morrigan resurfaced and gained a position in the Orlesian court as Empress Celene’s arcane advisor. I first encountered her at the peace talks in Halamshiral, where she helped me prevent Celene’s assassination. Named liaison to the Inquisition after that night, she temporarily relocated to Skyhold with her son, Kieran. There, she was integral in ending Corypheus, even if she was often looking to further her own agenda. Despite this, I always enjoyed her company, as I am generally a fan of sarcasm, something she excelled at, even if hers was generally a bit more biting than mine. She accompanied the Inquisition to the Arbor Wilds and into the Temple of Mythal, where she eventually drank from the Well of Sorrows. Rather ironically, this act bound her to her supposedly dead mother, Flemeth, who held the spirit of Mythal within her. It also gave her the ability to transform into a high dragon and challenge Corypheus’ red lyrium monstrosity, though she was only able to severely wound the beast in the end, leaving me and my companions to finish it off. Shortly after that climactic battle, she disappeared again, and as of yet, we’ve have been unable to locate her. Given her already storied history, my guess would be that Morrigan is biding her time somewhere, raising her son while waiting for another opportunity to achieve her own enigmatic goals.


If you're out on a moonlit night, be careful of them neighbourhood strays, of a lady with long black hair, tryin' to win you with her feminine ways.

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