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Something, there's something, there's something, oh there's something inside, there's no words that can explain.

{A quick ruiner warning before we get into this entry, everyone. Without ruining large and interesting parts of the story, Kieran’s entry would be approximately two sentences long. So, only read on if you’re very interested in what happens to him, or if you already know. -Sam}

Son of the HoF
Son of a Witch
Grandson of a Witch
Grandson of a Goddess

Kieran is Morrigan’s son and came to live at Skyhold when his mother did. He is an intelligent, well-mannered and kind boy, if a bit peculiar. He introduced himself to me shortly after he and his mother arrived, and he immediately made an impression. Kieran came across as wise well beyond his years, and seemed to be able to see things others couldn’t. It was similar to Cole, in some ways, but not quite the same. Eventually, I figured out why this was the case. An Archdemon can only be permanently killed by a Grey Warden, and the Warden that strikes the blow is also killed in the process. This has to do with the Old God soul contained within the Archdemon transferring to the Warden, who already has a soul, so both are destroyed. No, I didn’t accidentally splice in lines from a different entry, this will make sense, trust me. Anyways, at the end of the Fifth Blight, there were only two Wardens left in Ferelden, Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden. If you do the math, 2 living Wardens + 1 dead Archdemon = 1 living Warden, but when the blight ended, both men were still alive. The mathematical anomaly comes from a ritual performed the night before the final battle of the blight by the HoF and Morrigan. As I understand it, they conceived a child, and the soul of the Old God was absorbed by that child, instead of one of the Wardens. For some reason the two souls could coexist, and the result was Kieran. Morrigan then raised the boy, with the help of the HoF, in the Crossroads for some years before they had to go their separate ways. Kieran stayed with his mother during her time in Orlais, then came to Skyhold with her. Events conspired to have the Old God soul removed from Kieran during his time with the Inquisition, but the specifics of that interaction are, well, utterly bonkers, frankly, and too complex to dig into here. I will assure you that, the last time I saw him, the boy was just fine. He disappeared with his mother shortly after we defeated Corypheus, but I’m certain that Morrigan is keeping him safe. With lineage like his, Kieran has the potential to do incredible things in the future, even without his internal guest. After all they’ve been through, though, I think both his parents, and me for that matter, would prefer he live a simple, happy life.


Something's going on in me, come out, come out wherever you are.

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