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Josephine Montilyet


Have you seen her all in gold? Like a queen in days of old?

Not Josy, somehow, I just like the way her name sounds
Constant Candle Carrier
Far Too Good at Talking
One whom I am definitely not afraid of, despite whatever baseless slander you may have heard
Ruffles (Varric nickname)

As its ambassador, Josephine Cherette Montilyet was integral to the growth and success of the Inquisition. Born as the heir to the noble Montilyet family of Antiva, Josephine was well-educated from a young age. At one point in her life, she acted as a Bard in the Game of Orlais, but quickly discovered that the life of a spy and assassin was not for her. So, she returned home and assumed the position of ambassador of Antiva to Orlais for a time. During the early years of the Inquisition, Josephine was contacted by an old friend, Leliana, and recruited to the fledgling organization. As its chief diplomat, her job was to establish and maintain relationships with the myriad countries, political factions, leaders, families, businesses, and various other groups the Inquisition would have to deal with. Despite the staggering difficulty of her task, Josephine always handled it with grace and aplomb. I first met our ambassador in Haven shortly after the official re-formation of the Inquisition. We always got on well, even if my flippant efforts at diplomacy and less-than-serious attitude about, well, basically everything else, did sometimes rub her the wrong way. Which would cause her to scold me, sometimes quite loudly. This led some to claim that I was afraid of Josephine which, I can assure you, is entirely untrue.
{It’s not, he’s terrified of her. –Varric}
I did make sure to help Josephine when some very old family trouble resurfaced. The Montilyets had once had a powerful shipping empire, but repeated trouble with an Orlesian family had taken most of that away more than a hundred years ago. When Josephine tried to restore her family’s right to trade with Orlais, assassins started coming after her. Fortunately, we were able to extricate both her and her family from that mess. Unfortunately, I have a feeling this might eventually lead her to return to Antiva to run her family’s re-expanding business. With her gone, I’m not sure what would become of the Inquisition’s diplomatic efforts, but they would certainly suffer without Josephine at the helm. I’m certainly not qualified to do it.


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Copyright disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976:  All images, people, places, things, races and organizations are from Dragon Age: Inquisition and are © Electronic Arts, Inc. and BioWare.  Included here under Fair Use of copyrighted materials for the purpose of parody.  All rights and credit go to the material's rightful owners.  No copyright infringement intended.

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