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Grand Enchanter Fiona


The King doesn't know that Fiona and Maric...

Decision Rusher
Wait, there's two of her?

The only person to ever hold the titles of both Grey Warden and Grand Enchanter, Fiona was the head of the Circle of Magi when that group split from the Chantry and effectively began the Mage-Templar war. Born in an alienage in Orlais, she lost her family at a young age and, as tended to happen to elves, was subsequently enslaved and brutally abused by her owner. This repugnant mistreatment led to the manifestation of her magical talents, which she promptly used to kill the bastard. She was given to the Grey Wardens rather than put to death, survived the Joining ceremony, and went on to serve for a time. Fiona even adventured with King Maric of Ferelden, father of the current King, Alistair, in the Deep Roads. But something unprecedented happened during that time, when Fiona had the abilities of a Grey Warden, their power to permanently end an Archdemon, removed. How and why this happened is a mystery, and the feat has never been repeated as far as anyone knows. This caused a rift between her and her fellow Wardens, as she was no longer subject to the inevitable early death, signaled by the Calling, that hung over every other Warden like the blade of a guillotine. As such, she left the order and joined the Circle of Magi, where she could still do some good. She quickly rose through the ranks to become First Enchanter of Montsimmard in Orlais, and was eventually voted as the Grand Enchanter, essentially the leader of all Circle mages. Throughout her time as Grand Enchanter, tensions between mages and Templars would continue to rise, and Fiona consistently pushed for the mages to declare their independence from the Chantry. Eventually, after failing several times, the damning discovery that the Rite of Tranquility was not irreversible led to a slim majority of mages voting to split with the current system, breaking the Circle. The Mage-Templar war began, and after the explosion at the Conclave, to which Fiona had sent representatives in case it was a trap, the mages were given shelter by Ferelden. I met Fiona during my first trip to Val Royeaux, where she suddenly appeared and told me to meet her in Redcliffe Village, where they had taken up residence. Except I didn’t meet her, because when I actually went to Redcliffe, Fiona said she hadn’t met me before. So, either something weird with time magic or a doppelganger or something had happened, and I never actually figured that one out, come to think of it. Anyways, desperate to save her people, Fiona had pledged their service to Tevinter. Seeing as how I needed the mages’ help to seal the Breach, and their new master, Gereon Alexius, was a lying arse who only wanted to use them as cannon fodder for the Elder One’s army, I decided to undo that decision. Which, after some time-travel shenanigans, I did, and had the mages join the Inquisition. Fiona stayed with us from then on, even leading her people into battle in the Arbor Wilds. After Corypheus’ defeat, Fiona, empowered by Divine Victoria’s liberal changes to the Chantry, has re-founded the College of Enchanters to teach young mages how to properly use their powers, just without the Circles and Templars this time. As this is exactly what she had wanted for years, Fiona has the motivation to make sure this controversial system works, along with endless amounts of talent and experience.


Enchanters! A time has come for battle lines. We will cut these knotted ties, and some may live and some may die.

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