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Gereon Alexius


My world was shattered, I was torn apart, like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart.

Pointy-Hooded Magister
But Still Actually Cares About His Son
HG Go-To-Hells

{A quick note, not on ruiners but on pronunciation before we start this one, Gereon’s name starts with a hard G sound, like garden or game or GAHLLTIST, meaning my main nickname for him does, too. I know that can be hard to tell using only the written word, so I just thought I’d clarify. -Sam}

Gereon Alexius is a magister of Tevinter who worked for the Venatori, and thus, Corypheus, and was responsible for one of the more traumatic events of my inquisiting. A respected researcher for many years, he worked on magic that challenged what was thought to be possible and broke the rules of time itself. Eventually, he took his father’s seat in the Magisterium and an apprentice as well, a bright young man named Dorian Pavus. As magisters go, Gerry was an all-right sort, a champion of learning that spoke out against the endless war with the Qunari. And then, tragedy struck. He and his family were attacked by darkspawn, his wife Livia was slain and his son Felix was infected with the taint. After that, Gerry forgot about everything else and dedicated all of his resources to curing his son, an impossible task by all accepted knowledge. This led him to the Venatori and Corypheus, presumably because the ancient darkspawn magister claimed he could remove the taint. Gerry was put in charge of recruiting the rebel mages that had fled to Redcliffe and the Hinterlands, but was beaten to the punch by the Inquisition. Until he wasn’t, because, if you remember, time magic. That meant that he could turn back time and find a way to get to Grand Enchanter Fiona before we could, and when we arrived, the mages had already pledged themselves to Tevinter. With the help of Felix and Dorian, we realized what was going on and went to confront the magister, but a time-amulet spell went wrong and Dorian and I were flung forward one year into a terrible future. I don’t really like to talk about all that, so I’ll skip to the end, where we confronted Gerry again and were able to use the time amulet to get back to the past and prevent any potential unpleasantness. Gerry surrendered quickly upon our return, was captured, disowned by Tevinter, and eventually sentenced to work with the mages, now part of the Inquisition, on magical research. Gereon Alexius is a perfect example of what obsession can do to a person. Despite being a magister and wearing the requisite evil, pointy hood, he is not a terrible person all around, just one who went down the wrong path for the right reason.


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