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You built walls to protect you so no one will infect you, pursued by those out there that vanish in thin air.

The Dread Wolf
God Banisher

Every good group of gods needs a trickster, and Fen’Harel fills that need for the elven pantheon. The most maligned member of the Evanuris, stories surrounding the Dread Wolf almost always include deception of some kind, from amusing pranks to malicious betrayal. As such, he is not truly revered like the other gods, most Dalish clans hold more of a fearful respect for him. This is mostly due to the last story about him, and the rest of the gods, I suppose. In addition to the Evanuris, the benevolent gods, there was an opposing force, wicked beings now known as the Forgotten Ones. Fen’Harel was able to mingle with both of the groups, but eventually decided to betray all of them. He lured the Evanuris into the Beyond and the Forgotten Ones into the Abyss with promises of ending their eternal war, and then he sealed each group in their respective realms forever, leaving himself as the lone remaining god on Thedas. How? Why? Those are questions that don’t really have answers right now. Nor does anybody know where he went or what he did after accomplishing his goal, the stories simply end. Of course, like a lot of pieces of accepted history, I discovered evidence during my inquisiting that challenges these accounts of Fen’Harel. A very large piece of evidence was sitting in the Temple of Mythal in the form of a statue of the Dread Wolf. A place of worship dedicated to a goddess he betrayed is an odd place to find such an effigy. Later, the leader of the Sentinels that guarded the temple, Abelas, also insisted that Mythal was not stuck in another dimension, she was dead, which is a rather important distinction. And, considering Abe was alive while it happened and had absolutely no reason to lie to us at that point, it’s a detail I believe. So, maybe Fen’Harel is less dreadful than my people think he is. Since he is allegedly alive somewhere, I suppose asking him directly about all of this is technically still an option. Of course, the odds of him reemerging after staying hidden for all this time are quite poor, and it’s far more likely that his true motivations will remain a mystery.


Come a long way to find what you really left behind, you don't know when the end is but it's coming fast.

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