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You got a big mouth and I'm happy to see, your foot is firmly entrenched where a molar should be.

A Dragon-Summoning Arsehole

A magister of Tevinter and member of the Venatori, Livius Erimond was responsible for nearly destroying the Grey Wardens in the south of Thedas. I didn’t bother to investigate Eri’s life before I met him, he just wasn’t worth the time, frankly. On Corypheus’ orders, Eri had come to Warden-Commander Clarel, leader of the southern Wardens, and suggested a plan that would fix their current problem. A problem Cory had given them, of course. He had made an alliance with a massively powerful fear demon named Nightmare, and they had activated the Calling for every Grey Warden in Orlais. Meaning all the Wardens thought they were about to die and needed to solve the issue of a blight happening when they were all gone. Eri’s plan was to use blood magic, have the Warden mages sacrifice their fellows to summon and bind demons, then march a new demon army into the Deep Roads and kill the Old Gods before they could wake up. Of course, he neglected to mention that binding the demon to a Warden would bind the Warden to Corypheus. I found Eri executing that plan in the Western Approach and quickly sent him scurrying to Adamant Fortress. When we took the castle from the Wardens, we revealed Erimond’s true colors and turned Warden-Commander Clarel and her remaining troops against him. A true coward who was unable to do anything for himself, Eri summoned Cory’s dragon to help him, but in the end, after a trip to the Fade and with the help of a few noble sacrifices, the Inquisition won the day and captured the Magister. I judged that the remaining Wardens, who had been recruited to the Inquisition by this point, could do what they wanted with him. I haven’t heard anything else since, and hadn’t really thought about the bastard until I had to write this, and I still can’t be bothered to figure out what happened to him. So, that’s it, I guess.


Don't go away sad, don't go be bad, don't go away mad, just go away, go away.

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