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Is she dreaming what I'm thinking? Is she the mother of all bombs? Gonna detonate. Is she trouble like I'm trouble?

Also the Most Adorable
Dwarf Magician
Widdle (Sera nickname)

As its Arcanist, Dagna conducted magical research for the Inquisition and pushed the boundaries of what was thought to be possible. Born the daughter of a member of the Smith Caste in Orzammar, Dagna proved to be very different dwarf from an early age. Though she learned her family’s trade, it never particularly interested her, and she was instead drawn to the mysteries of magic. She was fully aware that, as a dwarf, she could not actually perform magic, but still wanted to study and understand it. Her father forbade it, but her opportunity to escape came in the form of the Hero of Ferelden. When the HoF visited Orzammar to convince the dwarves to fight the Fifth Blight, he encountered Dagna in the city’s Commons, and her passion moved him enough that he persuaded his old Circle of Magi to accept her as a student. She quickly proved to be an adept scholar and traveled around Thedas in the ensuing years, conducting research in Ferelden, the Free Marches, and even Tevinter. After the Inquisition relocated to Skyhold, it was decided that we needed a new perspective that could take advantage of the enhanced facilities in the castle. As you may have guessed, that mind was Dagna. Her main focus is the study of lyrium and its effects, making her perfect for helping us combat Corypheus and his rampant use of red lyrium as a weapon. Brilliant, quirky, and constantly positive, visiting with her was always a delight. Even if I had to dodge an explosion or two in the process.


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